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Stocks Average android app - Privacy Policy

Short description

Stock average calculates the average cost of your stocks when you
 purchase the same stock multiple times. 

- Calculate Average purchase price of the stock 
- Application autosave all calculation so you don't need to do all entry again

Privacy Policy

We don’t collect any of your personal info, including your IP address, other than information you voluntarily provide.

We don’t sell your personal info to advertisers or other third parties.

As used in this policy, “Personal Info” is data that can identify a particular person or device. Aggregate data isn’t considered Personal Info. 

We may request your email address or a username to communicate with you. This info is used only as you’d expect and deleted upon request.

Optionally, you may choose to provide your email address and communicate with us via email.

To improve the Services and your experience on our app, we may collect aggregate usage data from the app

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